Thursday, July 15, 2010

Air dan Minyak

Air dan Minyak
2 unsur berbeza
walau disatukan
tak akan bercampur.....kenapa?

"Molecular interaction
Water is held together by hydrogen bonds and can interact efficiently with anything that has well developed permanent charges; that's why it can dissolve electrolytes so well.

Oils on the other hand are non polar, simply because the difference between the electronegativities of H and C are so small. These molecules interact by London (of van der Waals) dispersion forces and are induced dipole - induced dipole interactions. These interactions become stronger as more molecules are bound together, at least up to some critical size. These interactions are also strongest between molecules with similar polarizabilities.

The interactions between the oil and water molecules are not strong, the oil can't hydrogen bond as it is non -polar and water can't form strong London forces to the oil; it has a different polarizability.

Size of molecules
Now, a second part to this is that water molecules are much smaller than most other molecules, so to accommodate oil molecules, many water molecules have to have their hydrogen bonds broken"
Source and Quoted at:

Sebab pertama, interaksi antara molekul. Berlainan polar....yang xmemungkinkan utk bergabung.
Situasi semasa.....mungkin boleh diibaratkan AKU dan KAMU yang tak mampu berkomunikasi dalam apa jua perkara. Bagi KAMU a, AKU pilih b.

Keduanya, disebabkan saiz molekul yang berbeza maka lebih tenaga diperlukan untuk memecahkan ikatan2 hidrogen bagi menampung molekul2 minyak.
Maknanya, antara AKU dan KAMU, masing2 terpaksa berkerja keras untuk KITA.

Itulah KITA.
bagai AIR dan MINYAK

p/s: post ini tiada kaitan dgn kimia....cuma perbandingan.....mungkin ada fakta yg kurg tepat

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